Rainer Zitelmann, City AM, May 14, 2024
Rainer Zitelmann, City AM, April 30, 2024
Rainer Zitelmann, City AM, April 24, 2024
Rainer Zitelmann, City AM, April 09, 2024
Rainer Zitelmann, City AM, March 27, 2024
Rainer Zitelmann, City AM, March 18, 2024
Rainer Zitelmann, City AM, March 12, 2024
Rainer Zitelmann, City AM, March 03, 2024
Rainer Zitelmann, City AM, February 22, 2024
David Gordon, Independent Institute, October, 2022
The Sri Lankan crisis is caused by an excess of government control and an overlarge public sector. Thatcher was faced with a similar situation.
Book review by David Gordon
David Gordon, The Austrian, April 2022
"It’s a fascinating book and a much-needed one."
Madsen Pirie, Adam Smith Institute
Guest article in The Telegraph
3 December 2018
"This wide ranging tome, which covers economic systems across China, Africa, Germany, the US and UK exploring the power of capitalism, may not persuade staunch anti-capitalists of the author’s alternative viewpoint. However, it certainly offers a robust challenge to anti-capitalist views and provides a series of well defined and researched arguments in favour of a capitalist society." CITY A.M.
by Tom Burroughes on Wealth Briefing, 21 December 2018
Jan. 3, 2019
Professor Philip Booth has referenced The Power of Capitalism in the following blogs (Jan. 2019)
Venezuela hasn’t failed because of low oil prices or because of economic sanctions imposed by the USA. Once again, we have seen a socialist experiment fail – an experiment that was hailed by left-wing politicians and intellectuals around the world just a few years ago.
February 2019
February 2019
Chile and Venezuela constitute two contrasting economic models in Latin America. Chile embodies the capitalist path, Venezuela the socialist path. But Chile has also had its own troubles: First under the socialism of Allende and later under the dictatorship of Pinochet.
Rainer Zitelmann, Chile: Latin America’s capitalist alternative to Venezuela, February 2019
OPINION: It may be a dirty word in the Corbyn era, but capitalism has proven to be the best antidote to poverty, argues historian Rainer Zitelmann.
Venezuela hasn’t failed because of low oil prices or because of economic sanctions imposed by the USA. Once again, we have seen a socialist experiment fail – an experiment that was hailed by left-wing politicians and intellectuals around the world just a few years ago. Here is an excerpt from the 2018 book by the German historian and sociologist Rainer Zitelmann, The Power of Capitalism, on the events that led to Venezuela’s collapse.
Rainer Zitelmann, Socialism fails again, in: The European Financial Review, February/March 2019
Martin Bamford, Capitalism matters more than ever, with Dr Rainer Zitelmann, in: Informed Choice Radio,
18 March 2019
"There are few more enthusiastic advocates for capitalism than Rainer Zitelmann. The German is a rare creature, an academic historian who has also worked on one of Germany’s biggest newspapers and later became a successful entrepreneur, selling his property PR company in 2016. His views on the merits of capitalism are shaped not by armchair theorising, but a mixture of historical knowledge, academic study of entrepeneurship and his own hands-on experience in the world of business. Zitelmann’s latest book, The Power of Capitalism – his 21st – is a full-throated defence of a system he believes has led to huge improvements in people’s quality of life the world over. When we meet in his London hotel, Zitelmann is a picture of relaxation. But his personal ebullience cannot mask a deep concern about the way the world is heading. Be it Trump’s tariffs, Corbyn’s obsession with nationalisation or his own country’s drift into statism, assaults on free enterprise are all around."
John Ashmore, A waning power? Rainer Zitelmann on the threats to global capitalism, in: CapX, 19 March 2019
Martin Wolf, The case for capitalism, in: Financial Times, 28. March 2019
Rainer Zitelmann, The Myth of Nordic Socialism, in: Barron´s, 3. April 2019
Carrie Sheffield, Barron’s Analysis Corrects the Record on Democratic Socialism, in: Accuracy in Media, 5. April 2019
Tracey Longo, Sen. Warren’s „Big New Deal“ To Raise Most S&P 500 Companies‘ Tax Rate To 28%, in: Financial Advisor, 11. April 2019
Rainer Zitelmann, Chinese capitalist growth happened in spite of the state not because of it, in: Reaction, 24. April 2019
Rainer Zitelmann, Chile: The Capitalist Alternative to Venezuela in Latin America, in: The European Financial Review, April/May 2019
Interview with Rainer Zitelmann, on: IEA Conversations, 02. Mai 2019
Rainer Zitelmann, Dream or nightmare? When Sweden was still a socialist country, in: City A.M, 12. May 2019
Rainer Zitelmann, Amid the Revival of Socialist Sentiment, Don’t Forget The Power of Capitalism, in: Foundation for Economic Foundation, 13. May 2019
Promotion tour Korea for The Power of Capitalism
Meeting with Choi, Sung-No, President of Korea Hayek Society and President of Center for Free Enterprise. And Kwon, Hyuk-Cheol, Vice President of Center for Enterprise, Seoul, May 2019
Interview with YouTuber, who has 4,4 million subscribers, Seoul, May 2019
Seoul, May 2019
Money Today Seoul 31. May 2019
Korean Economy 31. May 2019
Youtube Live in Korea, 01. June 2019
Rainer Zitelmann, No, the rich don’t get rich at the expense of the poor, on: Reaction, 04. June 2019
Rainer Zitelmann, Why Intellectuals Don´t Like Capitalism, on: Adam Smith Institute, 13. June 2019
appeared online on 21. June 19 and in the print-edition on the 22. June 2019
THINK conference of the Institute of Economic Affairs
06. July 2019 - London
The Value Walk website gets 1.8 million unique views per month
Rainer Zitelmann, Book Review: The Power Of Capitalism And The Failure Of Socialism, at:, 26. July 2019
Kristian Niemietz,, 2. September 2019
Kristian Niemietz,, 3. September 2019
"The book is almost entirely free of economic jargon; its intention is to explain, not to show off. Nor does the author hide behind faux-neutrality: Zitelmann is a passionate believer in free markets, and he is completely upfront about that throughout the book. This year, there has been a deluge of books wich, in one form or another, make the case that socialism deserves another try. What they all have in common is the conspicuous absence of a single, positive real-world example. This “counter-zeitgeisty” book, which makes the unfashionable case for capitalism, does the precise opposite. The Power of Capitalism leans very heavily on real-world examples throughout, and constructs its arguments on that basis."
Kristian Niemietz, Head of Political Economy, Institute of Economic Affairs, London
Yahoo Finance, 11. September 2019
Center of Economic Education, 4. October 2019
Peter Taaffe, Germany’s new Chicago Boys,, 07. Oktober 2019
"Overall all though, it is a superb read, easy to digest and full of uncontroversial statistics that remind one of why capitalism is so successful and why socialism is doomed to fail. There are other books that can get into the political analysis of why Socialism or Capitalism appeals to human nature etc. For this book, it is more than enough just to historically explain the success of capitalism and why we must defend it and nurture it today.", 29. Oktober 2019
Journal of Economic Literature (Vol.57, No. 3)
Nicolas Lecaussin, Livres à lire - Une histoire politique de la cigarette et une défense des bienfaits du capitalisme, Institut de Recherches Économiques et Fiscales, 23. December 2019
Murilo Basso, “O capitalismo hoje está sob ataque em todo o mundo”, Gazeta do povo, February 2020
Interview about „The Power of Capitalism“ with Gazeta do Povo – GP is a newspaper based in Curitiba, in the Brazilian state of Paraná. It is currently considered the largest newspaper in Paraná and the oldest newspaper in the state.
5. June 2020
Alessandro Gnocchi, Solo il libero mercato può ridurre le disuguaglianze, il Giornale, 06. June 2020
Rainer Zitelmann, Pourquoi les intellectuels n'aiment pas le capitalisme,, 29. June 2020
Rainer Zitelmann, Why intellectuals hate capitalism, Washington Examiner, 30. June 2020
La mentalità della "somma zero" che è alla base delle teorie socialiste è stata smentita dai fatti
Rainer Zitelmann, No, i ricchi non diventano ricchi a spese dei poveri, il Giornale, 05. July 2020
Rainer Zitelmann, I pregiudizi contro l’economia di mercato | Perché agli intellettuali non piace il capitalismo?, Linkiesta, 06. July 2020
Rainer Zitelmann, Lotta alla povertà: il capitalismo è lo strumento più efficace, Bussola, 06. July 2020
Rainer Zitelmann, Socialism always fails, even so-called democratic socialism, Washington Examiner, 08. July 2020
Carlo Lottieri, Capitalismo a un bivio, ma chi lo lascia perde, La Provincia, 19. Juli 2020
Rainer Zitelmann, Pourquoi l'Europe du Sud a besoin de plus de capitalisme, Le Point, 20. July 2020
Antonio Rapisarda, Perché gli intellettuali odiano il capitalismo, Libero, 20. July 2020
Carlo Marsonet, La guerra al capitalismo è il modo per creare un mondo di nuovo povero, Instituto Bruno Leoni, 24. Gennaio 2021
Soon my book THE POWER OF CAPITALISM will be published in Brazil.
01. April 2022

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